No Right Turn

No Right Turn, Fine Art
No Right Turn

Fine Art    18 x 24    CA$450.00   

How many works are in the edition
Edition of 20
Artist statement
It is widely believed that our eyes are responsible for capturing and interpreting the world around us by taking in essential details and utilizing our peripheral vision and prior experiences to fill in any gaps. This process triggers a flood of memories and generates a partially fictional representation of our surroundings. Consequently, we are both present and distant simultaneously, as our minds are constantly processing past images while also constructing the present moment at an astonishing pace.

In my collection of works, I have employed images from my past and present to convey this intricate experience. We all navigate through this complex web of thoughts and memories at an incredible speed, frequently without fully comprehending the intricacy of the moment. We often accept this illusion as reality, without questioning the constant flickering of our minds.
Medium and technique
Framed Archival prints printed with Pigment ink on Cotton Paper